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اطلاعات مدیر آرایشگاه

سطح تحصیلات:
رشته تحصیلی: کامپیوتر
سال شروع آرایشگری: 1390
مدارک و دوره های سپری شده: پيرايش درجه ١و٢-گريم تخصصي داماد-گريم تخصصي فانتزي كودك-گريم جراحت وسوختگي-دوره هاي تخصصي پاكسازي-دورهاي صافي مو-دوره هاي فرم وحالت-هيراكستنشن-گريم متعادل سازي -تغييرچهره-

اطلاعات آرایشگاه

ساعت کاری

صبح: 9 تا 14 بعد از ظهر: 16 تا 22 روزهای عادی

تعداد صندلی

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ماشین اصلاح سر|ماشین اصلاح صورت|صندلی

امکانات آرایشگاه


خدمات تخصصی

گريم تخصصي داماد-گريم تخصصي فانتزي كودك-گريم جراحت وسوختگي-پاكسازي- صافي مو- فرم وحالت-هيراكستنشن-گريم متعادل سازي -تغييرچهره-

تعرفه خدمات

سایر توضیحات

نظرات کاربران

بهترین ارایشگر ایران


1398/08/06 , 09:35 ب.ظ

Hello, I was just visiting your site and filled out your feedback form. The "contact us" page on your site sends you these messages to your email account which is the reason you're reading through my message right now correct? That's the most important achievement with any type of online ad, getting people to actually READ your message and that's exactly what I just accomplished with you! If you have something you would like to promote to millions of websites via their contact forms in the US or to any country worldwide let me know, I can even focus on specific niches and my costs are super reasonable. Reply here: VillarrealKorbinq59329@gmail.com end these ad messages https://bit.ly/2VBnm2R

Sal Medworth

1399/09/17 , 05:51 ق.ظ

Do you want completely free advertising for your website? Take a look at this: https://bit.ly/ads-no-cost

Mason Brault

1399/09/22 , 12:59 ق.ظ

Zero cost advertising for your website here: http://www.zerocost-ad-posting.xyz

Shirleen Crofts

1399/10/03 , 09:56 ب.ظ

Good morning, I was just taking a look at your website and submitted this message via your contact form. The "contact us" page on your site sends you these messages via email which is why you are reading through my message at this moment correct? This is half the battle with any kind of advertising, getting people to actually READ your ad and that's exactly what I just accomplished with you! If you have something you would like to promote to millions of websites via their contact forms in the U.S. or to any country worldwide send me a quick note now, I can even focus on specific niches and my costs are super reasonable. Send a message to: DerrickJayceef47043@gmail.com

Lan Gross

1399/10/21 , 10:56 ب.ظ

Say no to paying tons of cash for expensive Facebook ads! We've got a platform that costs only a very small bit of money and delivers an almost infinite volume of traffic to your website For details check out: https://bit.ly/zero-payment-traffic

Linda Vallejo

1399/10/29 , 01:15 ق.ظ

Yes you can advertise your website without paying a dime! Have a look at this complete directory consisting of the hottest new search websites at this page >https://bit.ly/list-0f-free-ad-sites

Matthew Follansbee

1399/11/03 , 05:31 ب.ظ

Want to get more serious customers for your online business? We can get you targeted people specifically for your specific type of business To get details Have a look at: http://www.buy-visitors-4yoursite.xyz

Steve Ramsey

1399/11/04 , 07:22 ق.ظ

Do you want to promote your website for free? Have a look at this: http://bit.ly/free-ad-submissions

Brandie Dewees

1399/11/26 , 03:05 ق.ظ

Looking for more people ready to buy for your website? We can deliver keyword targeted visitors specifically for your business model To get details Have a look at: http://www.buy-visitors-4yoursite.xyz

Eduardo Loder

1399/12/06 , 11:12 ب.ظ

Good morning, I was just taking a look at your website and submitted this message via your "contact us" form. The feedback page on your site sends you these messages via email which is why you are reading my message right now right? This is the most important accomplishment with any kind of advertising, getting people to actually READ your ad and that's exactly what I just accomplished with you! If you have something you would like to blast out to tons of websites via their contact forms in the U.S. or anywhere in the world send me a quick note now, I can even target your required niches and my charges are super low. Send a message to: rennerpaxton@gmail.com

Eugenia Cornell

1399/12/18 , 09:28 ب.ظ

Hey I have a question, i see a lot of products on this site that you olso sell, But there products are 53% cheaper, i have made a screenshot https://screenshot-product.photo/68912 of the product. Well my question is what is the difference between your store. Is it the quality or something else, I hope you can answer my question. Regards Kia McGowan "Sent from my iPhone"

Kia McGowan

1399/12/25 , 12:51 ب.ظ

Do you want to find out how you can start up your own business online getting paid to sell other people's products? Have a look at: http://bit.ly/make--money-with-affiliate--marketing

Maurine Tweddle

1399/12/25 , 08:19 ب.ظ

I can show you how you can advertise your online business absolutely free! Check out this complete directory consisting of the best search websites here ->http://bit.ly/you-can-post-free-ads-here

Chad Amar

1400/01/21 , 06:37 ق.ظ

Secret way to advertise your website for TOTALLY FREE! See here: http://bit.ly/sites-that-accept-free-ads

Lance Boling

1400/01/24 , 08:43 ب.ظ

Web Traffic from any Niche - Guaranteed or full refund - New Lower Prices - 3000 visitors $39, 5000 visitors $59, 10,000 visitors $99 http://www2.keywordtargetedwebtraffic.com

Willian Connah

1400/02/18 , 05:38 ق.ظ

Online business that has zero overheads? Yep it's possible, check it out: http://bit.ly/affiliate-marketing-how-to-make-it-work

Tera Dieter

1400/03/31 , 08:06 ق.ظ

Hello I have a question, i see a lot of items in this shop that you also sell in your shop, But there items are 52% cheaper, i have made a screenshot of the item, so you can see for your self. https://screenshot-product.photo/5734. Well my question is what is the difference between your shop. Is it the quality or something else, I hope you can answer my question. Yours sincerely Carri Leighton "Sent from my iPhone"

Carri Leighton

1400/06/19 , 07:44 ب.ظ

Hello I have a question, i see a lot of items in a shop that you also sell in your store, But there items are 45% cheaper, i have made a screenshot of the product, so you can see for your self. https://screenshot-product.photo/3445. Well my question is what is the difference between your shop. Is it the quality or something else, I hope you can answer my question. greetings Robby Streit "Sent from my iPhone"

Robby Streit

1400/07/29 , 06:23 ب.ظ

Add your site to 1000 business directories with one click here-> https://bit.ly/submit_site_l1aa2sZgZ1G6

Rich Bachmeier

1401/10/08 , 05:27 ب.ظ

Do you do contact form blasting to get sales? If you do I can provide you with lists of millions of verified contact forms. If you don't I can show you how I did it on your website contact form just now and it's easy for you to do it too. For details add me on Skype and let's chat, my ID is: live:.cid.7aad4787a72a11d0

Juanita Teal

1402/03/24 , 06:16 ب.ظ

Do you do contact form blasting to get sales? If you do I can provide you with lists of millions of verified contact forms. If you don't I can show you how I did it on your website contact form just now and it's easy for you to do it too. For details add me on Skype and let's chat, my ID is: live:.cid.7aad4787a72a11d0

Dorris Ebden

1402/03/30 , 06:43 ق.ظ

Hi, I'm sending you this message via your contact form on your website at pirayeshgaran.ir. By reading this message you're living proof that contact form advertising works! Do you want to blast your ad to millions of contact forms? Maybe you prefer a more targeted approach and only want to blast our ad out to websites in certain business categories? Pay just $99 to blast your ad to 1 million contact forms. Volume discounts available. I have more than 35 million contact forms. Let's get the conversation started, contact me via Skype here: live:.cid.b4d79bd7b12c4757

Son Disney

1402/04/06 , 06:31 ب.ظ

Is this your website? pirayeshgaran.ir? I just sent you a message via the contact form on your site and was wondering if you wanted to try some unique advertising that reaches business owners worldwide? How do we do it? Well you just witnessed our process. We send your ad text to contact forms on websites worldwide. Plans start at a hundred dollars for posting your ad to one million sites.

Alica Goss

1402/04/16 , 08:08 ب.ظ

I have a question. You just read this message right? That means you're now a potential customer and I can do the same thing for your business. I can blast YOUR ad to 1 million websites just like I did to yours for just $98. More pricing plans are also available, contact me on Skype for details. Here's my id : live:.cid.83c9da999a4f9f

Tonja Blanton

1402/05/04 , 11:47 ب.ظ

I have a question. You just read this message right? That means you're now a potential customer and I can do the same thing for your business. I can blast YOUR ad to 1 million websites just like I did to yours for just $98. More pricing plans are also available, contact me on Skype for details. Here's my id : live:.cid.83c9da999a4f9f

Delmar McDonnell

1402/05/11 , 07:40 ب.ظ

Is this your website? pirayeshgaran.ir? I just sent you a message via the contact form on your site and was wondering if you wanted to try some unique advertising that reaches business owners worldwide? How do we do it? Well you just witnessed our process. We send your ad text to contact forms on websites worldwide. Plans start at a hundred dollars for posting your ad to one million sites.

Armand Wesley

1402/05/19 , 06:37 ب.ظ

Is this your website? pirayeshgaran.ir? I just sent you a message via the contact form on your site and was wondering if you wanted to try some unique advertising that reaches business owners worldwide? How do we do it? Well you just witnessed our process. We send your ad text to contact forms on websites worldwide. Plans start at a hundred dollars for posting your ad to one million sites.

Caryn Gallop

1402/05/20 , 03:35 ق.ظ

I was sending you this message on your website contact page (pirayeshgaran.ir) to show you how contact form advertising works. We can send messages just like these for your business to millions of sites for less than a couple of hundred dollars. Let's get the conversation started and I'll share pricing and more details. Hit me up on Skype for a chat now --> live:.cid.aebc78a94c13344c

Ian Chomley

1402/06/18 , 07:55 ب.ظ

JOIN FUNNEL BASE AND GET : Smart Funnel Booster: Optimize your funnel by displaying social proof on your website, deeply analyze your visitors' behavior and fully control your sales funnel Drive Micro Conversions: Skyrocket your sales with the power of micro conversions! Bring your visitors to the next sales funnel stage by displaying notifications Verified Video Reviews: Implement user-generated content into your marketing strategy. Show verified video reviews to build trust & increase conversion rates on your website or landing page. Increase Funnel Profit: Constantly upgrade your funnel and triple your profit with advanced tools to properly attract visitors, generate their confidence and convert them into loyal customers. GET IT NOW AT: https://funnelbase.net/

Ward Eldredge

1402/06/24 , 06:40 ب.ظ

Quick question to ask you... Are you aware that by reading this message you just proved that contact form marketing works? That's right, and we can get eyeballs on your offer too! Pricing starts at just $100 to blast YOUR ad message to 1 MILLION contact forms on websites just like yours worldwide. Contact me on Email and let's discuss what will work for your product/service. My Email Address is: Gaston@gomail2.xyz this message was sent to your website contact form at: pirayeshgaran.ir

Gaston Plunkett

1402/06/25 , 12:36 ب.ظ

Is this your website? pirayeshgaran.ir? I just sent you a message via the contact form on your site and was wondering if you wanted to try some unique advertising that reaches business owners worldwide? How do we do it? Well you just witnessed our process. We send your ad text to contact forms on websites worldwide. Plans start at a hundred dollars for posting your ad to one million sites. Reach out to me via Email and let's dicuss what we can do for your business. My Skype ID is: live:.cid.dd8a3501619891fe

Estella Sample

1402/07/04 , 05:13 ق.ظ

Want to start getting 10x more customers today? Reach the exact customer inbox like I reached you and boost sales for your service or products, and I'll show you how it's done: Check out: https://leadsblue.net/ once to find more. We are offering an 80% discount today.

Janice Stanford

1402/07/05 , 07:29 ب.ظ

Accidental overdose is the #1 cause of death for people aged 18-45 in the United States. Narcan is a nasal spray that can reverse an opioid overdose, saving the person’s life. Our group of volunteers has compiled a website that tracks organizations that are giving out free and discount Narcan, this site is https://www.narcan-finder.com/. Eventually this life saving medication will be as easy to find as a fire extinguisher, but at the moment, it’s only gradually becoming available, and often expensive at drugstores, etc. Would you consider sharing our resource on your website? It will save lives. If you have any questions or want to help spread the word, contact us at narcanfinder@gmail.com. Thank you for your consideration!

Shad Longwell

1402/07/07 , 07:33 ب.ظ

I was sending you this message on your website contact page (pirayeshgaran.ir) to show you how contact form advertising works. We can send messages just like these for your business to millions of sites for less than a couple of hundred dollars. Let's get the conversation started and I'll share pricing and more details. Hit me up on Skype for a chat now --> live:.cid.303294bd15a81bc7

Federico Hargrave

1402/07/10 , 05:56 ب.ظ

Is this your website? pirayeshgaran.ir? I just sent you a message via the contact form on your site and was wondering if you wanted to try some unique advertising that reaches business owners worldwide? How do we do it? Well you just witnessed our process. We send your ad text to contact forms on websites worldwide. Plans start at a hundred dollars for posting your ad to one million sites. Reach out to me via Email and let's dicuss what we can do for your business. My Skype ID is: live:.cid.303294bd15a81bc7

Helen Harrill

1402/07/16 , 11:03 ب.ظ

TimeSuite is the most advanced Construction and Project ERP ever produced. Advanced because it’s simplistic, comprehensive and dynamic. The system conforms to your needs. Advanced because it’s a single system (no modules). Web, desktop and mobile interfaces to a single database. Project Management, Accounting, Estimating, Scheduling, CRM, Task Management, Resource Management, On-Screen Take Off, Form Creation, Property Management, RFQs/Bid Packages and more. Fully automated percentage of completion accounting with a full job schedule that ties to the income statement. TimeSuite is new generation. Learn more at TimeSuite.com.

Spencer Wigington

1402/07/17 , 03:46 ق.ظ

Updated 2024 - 13M Business Contacts Imagine having access to more than 13 million business contacts across the USA, meticulously organized into 7,900 specialized databases. For just $49, our 20GB of newly collected data provides you with the most current and accurate information to boost your marketing campaigns. Unlock the potential of your business with our extensive contact database. Download a free sample now. Order now: https://bit.ly/CFLb2b Unsubscribe here if you don't want to get these great newsletters: Send a mail to hortzsteven@gmail.com Nordurvegur 27, Hrisey, NA, Iceland, 630

Marcela Batten

1403/05/02 , 08:26 ق.ظ

Boost Your Videos with Submagic - The Best AI Tool for Short-Form Content Hey there, Are you tired of spending hours creating captions, searching for the perfect transitions, and adding sound effects to your videos? Submagic is here to save the day! Elevate your content creation game with Submagic, the ultimate AI tool for short-form content. Take your videos to the next level with our easy-to-use features that will save you time and money. Don't waste any more time on manual video editing tasks when Submagic can do it all for you in seconds. Trusted by over 500k creators and businesses, including big names like Grant Cardone and David Goggins. Whether you're a content creator, video editor, or business owner, Submagic has everything you need to create engaging videos that stand out. Try Submagic now and see the difference it can make in your content creation process. click here: https://stopify.co/0SSK0M Generate captions, add B-rolls, create dynamic transitions, highlight key moments with Auto-Zoom, include sound effects, and generate video descriptions all with the power of AI. Testimonial: "Submagic has revolutionized my video editing process. It's a game-changer!" - Jason, Happy Submagic User Sign up for Submagic today and discover why it's the go-to tool for creators worldwide. https://stopify.co/0SSK0M Don't miss out on the opportunity to streamline your video editing process with Submagic. Join the thousands of creators already using Submagic and transform your videos today. https://stopify.co/0SSK0M Humorous P.S.: Who needs a magic wand when you have Submagic? Try it out and see the magic happen! Let Submagic take your videos from ordinary to extraordinary. Sign up now and unleash your creativity! Best regards, Mark, Submagic Team

Mark Martin

1403/05/07 , 09:46 ق.ظ

Boost Your Videos with Submagic - The Best AI Tool for Short-Form Content Hey there, Are you tired of spending hours creating captions, searching for the perfect transitions, and adding sound effects to your videos? Submagic is here to save the day! Elevate your content creation game with Submagic, the ultimate AI tool for short-form content. Take your videos to the next level with our easy-to-use features that will save you time and money. Don't waste any more time on manual video editing tasks when Submagic can do it all for you in seconds. Trusted by over 500k creators and businesses, including big names like Grant Cardone and David Goggins. Whether you're a content creator, video editor, or business owner, Submagic has everything you need to create engaging videos that stand out. Try Submagic now and see the difference it can make in your content creation process. click here: https://stopify.co/I00GIF Generate captions, add B-rolls, create dynamic transitions, highlight key moments with Auto-Zoom, include sound effects, and generate video descriptions all with the power of AI. Testimonial: "Submagic has revolutionized my video editing process. It's a game-changer!" - Jason, Happy Submagic User Sign up for Submagic today and discover why it's the go-to tool for creators worldwide. https://stopify.co/I00GIF Don't miss out on the opportunity to streamline your video editing process with Submagic. Join the thousands of creators already using Submagic and transform your videos today. https://stopify.co/I00GIF Humorous P.S.: Who needs a magic wand when you have Submagic? Try it out and see the magic happen! Let Submagic take your videos from ordinary to extraordinary. Sign up now and unleash your creativity! Best regards, Mark, Submagic Team

Corazon Appleroth

1403/05/17 , 03:44 ق.ظ

Hey gaming enthusiasts! Are you ready to tackle new challenges and enjoy endless fun? 3030 Games has you sorted with a selection of games to keep you engaged. What Makes 3030 Games Special? - Diverse Game Collection: Check out a great variety of exciting games. - Absolutely no cost: Delight in unlimited gaming without any fees! - Instant Gameplay: Start playing right away – no downloads needed! Don't delay! Visit 3030 Games now and make the most of your gaming time. ���� Play Browser Games Now: https://bit.ly/3030games

Luciana Dugan

1403/05/19 , 05:12 ق.ظ

Calling all gamers! Looking for a place to fulfill your gaming cravings? 3030 Games provides a plethora of games, all available for no cost. Get ready for an unparalleled gaming experience! Why 3030 Games Stands Out: Extensive Game Variety: Experience a huge selection of games. Cost-no cost Entertainment: Play all your favorite games at no cost! Immediate Play: Jump straight into the action with no downloads! Boost your gaming time. Check out 3030 Games and start playing today! ++ Play Online Games Now: https://bit.ly/3030games

Noble Saucedo

1403/06/02 , 12:39 ق.ظ

We deliver your message to millions of website contact forms: Contact countless of people with your message starting at 19 usd. We'll send your message through countless website contact forms, guaranteeing inbox placement. Generate sales leads, traffic, customers, and awareness, boosting your recognition. Check out https://bit.ly/formsubmitbulk Unsubscribe here if you want to stop receiving these good emails: Send a mail to hortzsteven@gmail.com Funkevanget 35, Frederiksberg C, REGION SJALLAND, Denmark, 1909

Kristal Annunziata

1403/07/09 , 07:14 ق.ظ

Just as you've received our message, we can deliver your message to millions of email inboxes successfully! Enhance your outreach with our bulk contact form submission service. Send up to 1 million messages daily and reach millions of website owners immediately. Our service helps you generate: + Targeted Traffic + High-Quality Leads + Loyal Clients + More Purchases Utilize our unique service to send your message to 50 million contact forms on unique sites, beginning at $9. Touch millions of email inboxes instantly, driving: - More sales - More traffic - Quality leads - New Customers It's as effective as cold email marketing, but on a much larger scale. ���� **Massive Reach:** Achieve the same results as expensive ad campaigns at just 1% to 10% of the cost of Facebook Ads and Google Ads.. Use coupon code **save50** for 50% off your first order. ** Begin now at https://bit.ly/bulksubmit If you want to remove yourself from newsletter list and all future mails, please submit your website address at https://bit.ly/unsubscrme 246 Hanifan Lane, Powder Springs, GA, United States, 30373

Adalberto Benoit

1403/07/11 , 05:12 ق.ظ

Hey, Are you finding it hard to find time for writing articles? Bring in an expert SEO writer today! I handle the research and offer well-written SEO content to help boost your rankings and enhance your visitor interaction. Need new articles for your blog or content marketing strategies, see our current content deals here: https://bit.ly/writingbyben Ben Contact me directly at behinger@writingbybenjamin.com or on Skype: behinger19 with any questions. If you don't want to get an email from me on this matter again, please reply back with the text: "No, thank you"

Jeannine Biaggini

1403/07/19 , 08:11 ق.ظ

Just like as you got this message, we can submit your message to millions of contact forms. Need cost-effective lead generation? We specialize in sending messages directly through business contact forms, ensuring your message lands in the right inboxes. Start reaching millions of potential customers today, all starting from just $19 only! Let’s boost your brand and drive traffic like never before. ** See it: https://bit.ly/cformblasting Should you decide not to receive any more notifications from me, just click the following link: https://bit.ly/delistus 1378 Southern Avenue, Knoxville, NY, USA, 50138

Selina Mcnamee

1403/08/17 , 06:12 ق.ظ

Hi friend i want to ask u if u need loan , i can give u up to 100k without any questions, fees start from 2%. u can take for long and short term, if u need please contact me My Whatsapp: +17852192072 My phone: +17852122012 My email: marketing@valkyriedalafitness.com

Vvalkyie Dala

1403/08/21 , 01:27 ق.ظ

Hello there I hope you’re doing well. My name is Jonathan, and I couldn’t help but admire your brand and the amazing work you’re doing. I wanted to offer you an great opportunity: a free article on Benzinga, one of the top financial platforms with over 14M+ visitors. This is a powerful way to boost your brand’s credibility and reach. We can publish your article on affiliates of Fox, CBS, NBC, ABC, and more than 300 other news outlets. We could even get you featured on Business Insider, Yahoo Finance, and Market Watch—imagine the visibility your brand could gain! This deal is available only for the first 10 people who reply—so if you’re interested in taking advantage of your free Benzinga article, just reply with, ""YES, I want to be featured in Benzinga!"" I’d be thrilled to help your brand get the visibility it deserves. Regards, Jonathan In case you wish to stop to receive emails from me in the future, kindly send a reply here with the text: "No, thank you".

Jonathan Bowman

1403/08/23 , 04:30 ب.ظ

Boost Your Enterprise with Shopify - Just $1/month for the first 3 months! Make your vision a reality with Shopify’s special offer: Join for a free trial and get 3 months of Shopify for just $1/month on specific plans. It's the ideal opportunity to transition or start your brand without initial investment! Why Shopify? Shopify is a comprehensive solution that lets you design, personalize, and control your online store effortlessly. Reach customers on different channels—on your website, social media, or in-person. With Shopify, you can: - Easily create a stunning online store - Reach customers everywhere: web, mobile, social media, and more - Oversee inventory, payments, and fulfillment from any device Shopify manages software updates and maintenance, so you can concentrate on expanding your business. -- Get started for $1/month: https://bit.ly/shopify-free-promo Take advantage of this opportunity to start your dream business with Shopify’s unbeatable offer!

Walker Kennedy

1403/08/30 , 05:07 ب.ظ

Hi friend i want to ask u if u need loan , i can give u up to 100k without any questions, fees start from 2%. u can take for long and short term, if u need please contact me My Whatsapp: +17852192072 My phone: +17852122012 My email: marketing@valkyriedalafitness.com

Vvalkyie Dala

1403/09/08 , 08:05 ب.ظ

Hi friend i want to ask u if u need loan , i can give u up to 100k without any questions, fees start from 2%. u can take for long and short term, if u need please contact me My Whatsapp: +17852192072 My phone: +17852122012 My email: marketing@valkyriedalafitness.com

Vvalkyie Dala

1403/09/23 , 12:19 ب.ظ

Boost Your PR Strategy with Press Ranger Press Ranger is your ultimate AI-powered PR tool, designed to connect you with over 500,000 key industry influencers. - Gain access to a comprehensive list of contacts with contact details, topics of focus, and social media links. - Generate tailored PR documents and email pitches with ease using cutting-edge technology. - Monitor and organize your outreach with a powerful CRM tool. - Send out press releases to prominent publications like renowned sites such as Business Insider at wholesale prices. Elevate your brand visibility and secure the media coverage you deserve. -- Seize this opportunity—this exclusive deal is valid for a short period: https://bit.ly/managepress If you no longer want to receive further notifications from our side, just reply with the message: "Not interested" Ortsstrasse 18, Essex, NY, USA, 9133

Beverly Redmond

1403/10/05 , 09:31 ق.ظ

Greetings, Looking for ways to streamline operations, enhance efficiency, and cut costs by up to 50% through outsourcing? We have two fully redundant tech centers with more than a thousand agent-positions ready and at your service for: - Multi-channel Customer Support & Help Desk via voice, text, chat, and email. - Recover and transform abandoned leads into sales opportunities. - Virtual Assistant services for finance, legal, healthcare, and other industries. - Boost lead generation and schedule sales appointments with Market Outreach. Avoid hassles, let us work with you to cut costs, expand and help simplify operations! Set up a consultation at no cost today: http://bit.ly/ABC-book-a-meeting Best regards, C.J. Ebanks ABC Services Webpage: http://bit.ly/ABC-book-a-meeting 1-866-904-6927 In case you wish to stop getting future communications from us, please visit and fill the form at https://bit.ly/removeuspls Gjerpensgata 128, Porsgrunn, NY, USA, 3915

CJ Ebanks

1403/10/13 , 07:12 ق.ظ


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